BR: Actually, and secretly, I want to ask it myself too. This is the claimed inference of the Vril Society; those young girls who were channeling, remote viewing, accessing clairvoyant information - whatever you want to call it.
JF: Okay.
BR: That’s been much vaunted…
JF: Yes.
BR: …by theorists who claim that they were accessing information that may have come from other realms or other planets or whatever.
JF: Right.
BR: What’s your take on that?
JF: I don’t base my analysis of the Bell Project, or anything like that, on channeled information or on Neo-Nazi sources. My problem with this story is precisely those two things. That it comes, first of all, from a source that is anecdotal and, secondly, that the ultimate source that’s putting it out has some very shady kind of Neo-Nazi ties, okay?
And there’s no other corroboration of it other than the fact that we know that something called the Vril Society did exist, and we know it because it was the German rocket scientist Willy Ley that first mentioned it when he came over to this country to escape the Nazis.
而且,你也找不出多少客观事实证明这个所谓的“沃瑞尔协会”的确存在过。这个说法也是德国火箭专家Willy Ley曾经说的,他当时逃离了纳粹的魔掌,投奔美国。
BR: Mm-hm.
JF: Okay. So we know that that society existed. We don’t know much about it. They did publish a small thin little brochure in Berlin prior to the war. I haven’t been able to get a hold of it. I don’t know what it’s contents are. So, as far as I’m concerned, this is a story that, number one, has kind of a suspect origin and, number two, I haven’t been able to find anything other than this story to corroborate that the Nazis were doing this.
I do know that the Ahnenerbe is doing research that we would now consider paranormal or psychic or remote viewing or what have you. Certainly they were. So you’ve got a general context in which something like that might have taken place, but they are alleging that this took place toward the end - in fact in some cases during World War One and toward the end of World War One - long before the Nazis are even on the scene.
BR: I thought it was in the twenties.
JF: No. I think one of these was 1916 and another one was in 19 - and again, I may be mistaken - 1919 I think, close to Berchtesgarten, which is another unusual little coincidence [laughs] in this story, but...
KC: But did you investigate the remote viewing, like the origins of remote viewing, in the Nazi…
JF: No, no I haven’t. That’s an aspect of the story I think again that is going to come out eventually. The problem now is getting... There are massive amounts of Ahnenerbe documents in the US national archives, but many of them are still unavailable, so the problem is being able to tell a complete story. You see, that’s the whole problem here. It’s not that I don’t think that there is one but right now all we have with the Vril Society is a kind of a general kind of corroboration of a context.
BR: Yes. And presumably you’re also sort of invoking Occam’s Razor by saying it’s not necessary to…
JF: To go there.
BR: I understand that.
JF: Exactly. It’s not necessary because you have another occult influence at work already within the SS that has a specifically detailed conceptual relationship to the physics being investigated with the Bell and that’s this guy Wiligut.
BR: Yeah.
JF: Right. So you really don’t even need to go there. It would be kind of nice icing on the cake, you know, if they figured out: Well, consciousness plays a role in this too and we’re going to investigate that. Well if they’re rationalizing things to that extent, yeah, then we’re in even deeper trouble. [laughs]
BR: Okay. Now after all those fascinating set-ups…
JF: Okay. [laughs]
BR: …our viewers here, who are thinking this sounds like a detective story; this sounds like Columbo...
JF: Or a bad Oliver B movie. [laughs]
BR: What was the Bell? What were they trying to do? And what is known what is not known what is theorized and why is this important?
JF: Okay, let me give you the basic data points and then I’ll give you how I kind of rationalize them. My rationalization of it is a bit different that Igor Witkowski and Nick Cook although I kind of build on some aspects of their analysis.
约:我来讲一些基本的数据要点吧。我是如何解释这些要点的——我的解释可能跟Igor Witkowski和Nick Cook有所不同,但是我的一些观点也是建立在他们分析的基础之上。
First of all it’s a device, it’s bell shaped, it stands about twelve to fifteen feet high, nine to twelve feet wide. It’s either cased in a kind of a ceramic metal or just plain old ceramic. It’s got heavy duty electrical port cable - electrical cabling ports - around the device.
Inside the device there are two counter rotating drums - and I want to be clear here. The data that we have does not specify the internal configuration of those drums within the Bell. These two counter rotating drums had a 'serum' - this Xerum 525 (see Hunt for Zero Point) I mentioned earlier - the heavy maroonish-red, probably mercury, compound.
It is cryogenically cooled either by liquid oxygen or liquid nitrogen and it is close to an electrical power plant and sounds like a beehive Okay? The electrical power plant is kind of to put an hyperbole on it near yards away from the installations that the Bell is being tested in all right?
BR: The kind of hum you get from a high voltage generator.
JF: Yes. Okay. Now let’s put all these things... Those are the data points, and the…
BR: And this is known how?
JF: This is known by an SS general by the name of Jakob Sporrenberg who was part of this project because he was the general that was tasked, at the end of the war, to go in and murder sixty of the scientists involved with the project.
约:一个党卫队将军,名叫Jacob Sporrenberg,他参与了这个项目。战争结束前,上级交待他要干掉六名项目科学家灭口。
BR: Hm.
JF: In other words the Nazis want to keep this thing absolutely quiet.
BR: I didn’t know that.
JF: Oh yeah, that’s how all this comes out. He’s tried for that crime by a Polish War Crimes Tribunal because, of course, Poland slid westward and took over parts of Pomeranian Silesia that were formerly German provinces. And the Bell was tested in that part of Germany that then became Poland after the war.
约:这件事就这样泄露出来。Jacob Sporrenberg将军在波兰军事法庭上因此罪行受到起诉,因为波兰向西扩张,拿下了波美拉尼亚西里西亚的一部分,这部分过去是德国领土。BELL项目就在此处进行实验,战后这片土地变成了波兰领土。
So Poland assumed jurisdiction over this man for that crime and we know it by the affidavit that he gave at that war crimes trial, okay? But it’s important again to realize, it’s after the collapse of the iron curtain, it’s after the collapse of the east German state and basically the shotgun wedding that was had in 1989, that all of this comes out.
Now, Sporrenberg also describes the effect of the device on plants. Plants exposed to the field of this thing when it was operating would decay to a kind of a brownish grey goo within a matter of either hours or weeks, this would vary.
BR: They’d come apart.
JF: Yes. They’d just literally fall apart, just blugh, and they would do so without putrefaction. The first time it was tested apparently the Germans had not done something correctly and seven of the original scientists of the project were killed when it was tested the first time. Later on, apparently, they learned how to kind of control some of these deadly effects a little bit more reasonably.
But those are the data points. And one little final bit of information - a final bit of data point... When it was tested underground it had to be tested in a room lined with ceramic bricks over which were placed rubber mats. After each test concentration camp victims would come in, remove the rubber mats, burn the mats and then scrub down the ceramic bricks with brine - okay? That had to be done for some reason after each test.
BR: Radioactivity?
JF: Yes I think so, I think so. Again... and I’m mentioning that because it’s a crucial data point. Then, when it was tested outside, it was tested apparently inside this henge-like structure that is near all of these strange installations with this electrical power plant right there.
This henge stood in a kind of a basin - a pool - it looks like, that would have contained some sort of liquid. Around the perimeter of this pool there are... And you can see this on the History Channel documentary with Nick Cook. Igor takes Nick down into this structure and you can see these entry ports for all of this heavy duty electrical cabling, okay?
“巨石阵”的下部像个水池子,看起来应该会放一些什么液体。池子周边……你看过历史频道Nick Cook的纪录片吧。Igor带着Nick下去过,有好些入口端,是布设高负载电缆的。
Apparently, when tested at night, these concentration camp inmates described this barrel-like thing that would glow a pale blue glow and it would rise above the tree line and kind of sit there and then it would fall back down; lower back down.
So those are our data points. I don’t think that the dimensions of the device, at this point in my research, are functionally significant so let’s turn to the cryogenic cooling, okay? We’re dealing already we know with a device that is using these two counter rotating cylinders, and I suspect that their centrifuge isotope technology had something to do with this, because they’re using ultra high mechanical rotation.
In other words, this is a precision machine, and it’s being cryogenically cooled. And the first thing that I think of is super-conductivity, you know. Again, high spin system, little resistance. It’s a kind of a self contained little bubble of its own...
BR: Was superconductivity understood in the physics of that time?
JF: Oh yeah. Sure. Then the next thing is we have this mysterious substance which they’re putting into these cylinders and spinning at high speed. I think that the presence of this power plant and the sound of the Bell, as a beehive, indicates that this whole thing was electrically pulsed with extremely high voltage direct current electricity.
And that the drums were set up - and Igor agrees with me here; this is his analysis that I’m borrowing from - that you have a cathode and an anode and this will arc to the centre. And as this stuff is spinning and cohering along the same plane of rotation and being pulsed, electrically pulsed, it’s going to drive it inward, create little plasmoids, and you’re going to get even more spin out of this thing.
So, in other words, the way I’m rationalizing the device, ultimately, is they are attempting to maximize by every possible means this extreme torsion shear effect. This is exactly what they are going after. They are trying to figure out if they can manipulate and engineer the fabric of space-time.
BR: With what end?
JF: To what end, again, I think there’s these three purposes in mind: the Bell is part of a... The departmental oversight, let’s say, of the Bell is three things.
First, you have some attachment to the Forschung Inviclum Inpatento, which is a super secret SS entity that is pulling every patent application within the Third Reich, and later occupied Europe, that has national security implications.
首先,你不能忘了“Forschung Inviclum Inpatento”。这是党卫队一个超级秘密的单位,能够抽取第三帝国内任何一个工业版权,后来又扩大到占领的欧洲部分。这个秘密单位还有国家保安方面的影响。
Number two, it’s under an entity called SS Entwicklungstelle vier which means Development Area Four. The mission brief of that department is to make Germany energy independent and it’s that department that you have investigating things like controlled fusion, zero point energy, and so on and so forth. So it’s attached to that department.
Then the final department that it’s attached to is General Hans Kammler and his think tank down in the Pils in Czechoslovakia in the Scotia Munitions Works. And the mission brief of that department of the SS is to brainstorm its way from first generation to second and third and fourth generations - and here’s the key - to work out the necessary steps in the technology tree, to get from one to the other, and then to do it. Okay?
最后一个单位隶属于Hans Kammler将军和他的智囊团,地点位于捷克斯洛伐克的皮尔斯,是斯科舍军工厂。它的任务是“头脑风暴”,开发一二三四代科技。这才是关键:要在科技树上找出开发的路子,一个接一个的,然后着手实施。
BR: Mm-hm.
JF: So the Bell is connected with all these departments and what this suggests to me, given the physics involved here, is that they’re trying to create a prototype technology. And I want to emphasize this: This thing is not a UFO, it is not itself a weapon and it is not itself a zero point energy device.
It’s a prototype technology, or a gateway technology, that they are using in developing to investigate each of those three areas. That I think is what you have with this project. But I think the results were significant enough to them, by 1944, that they give it this extreme classification - kriegsentscheidend - war decisive.
So they’re already seeing the military potential of this thing. This is a field propulsion potential here of just extraordinary capability. And this is a weapon potential here of just extraordinary capability, but it’s a kind of a unified technology.
BR: Now...
KC: It also sounds like it’s a time machine. I mean, it sounds like it’s creating what Jodie Foster entered, in a sense, in Contact.
JF: Right. I use the term “time dilation” here, and I don’t want relativistic associations, but I don’t want people to think that this is a device that can be used as a practical device for time travel - going backward or forward into the future. But the field effects here on plants, I think, are key.
And another thing I should mention is: I think one of the purposes of this 'Xerum' and the use of probably some isotope of mercury and nuclear isomers was precisely the fact that, if they were able to achieve a severe time dilation effect, the way you’re going to try and measure it is precisely by changes in radioactive decay, okay?